import math
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
from interaction import *
import regionToolset
from SpindleAssembly.AddComponents import return_assembly
[docs]def create_RP(**kwargs):
Create a reference point
:param kwargs: object
:return: reference point object
a = return_assembly(**kwargs)
# Define position of a reference point
if 'xpos' in kwargs and 'ypos' in kwargs and 'zpos' in kwargs:
x = kwargs['xpos']
y = kwargs['ypos']
z = kwargs['zpos']
RP = a.ReferencePoint(point=(x, y, z))
elif 'verts' in kwargs:
RP = a.ReferencePoint(point=kwargs['verts'][1])
raise ValueError('Either x,y,z or a valid vertices should be specified to'
'create a reference point')
return RP
[docs]def pick_region(verts_index, regionType, collectionName, position, **kwargs):
Pick a region to assign connection
:param regionType: 'vertice', 'edge', 'centrosome' -> defines the type of the picked region
:param collectionName: name of the entity specified by the region
:param position: 'centrosome-right', 'centrosome-left' -> defines to which pole the region belongs
:param kwargs: object
:return: (object) region
a = return_assembly(**kwargs)
# Create region from specified vertices
if regionType == 'vertice':
collection = kwargs[collectionName]
if verts_index == 0:
verts = [a.instances[vI].vertices[verts_index]
for vI in a.instances.keys() if vI in collection]
region = verts
verts = [a.instances[vI].vertices
for vI in a.instances.keys() if vI in collection]
region = verts
# Create region from specified edges
elif regionType == 'edge':
# Currently available for ipMTs only
edges = [a.instances[eI].edges
for eI in a.instances.keys() if ('ipMT' in eI and 'connector' not in eI)]
region = edges
# Create centrosome region
elif regionType == 'centrosome':
if position == 'centrosome-right':
s1 = a.instances[position].faces
side1Faces1 = s1.getSequenceFromMask(mask=('[#1 ]',), )
region = a.Surface(side1Faces=side1Faces1, name='RightCentrosomeCouplingRegion')
elif position == 'centrosome-left':
s1 = a.instances[position].faces
side1Faces1 = s1.getSequenceFromMask(mask=('[#1 ]',), )
region = a.Surface(side1Faces=side1Faces1, name='LeftCentrosomeCouplingRegion')
raise ValueError('Only vertices and edges are currently supported')
return region
[docs]def sum_regions(verts_index, regionType, collectionName, separate='True', **kwargs):
Split a single picked region into a collection of sub-regions
:param regionType: 'vertice', 'edge', 'centrosome' -> defines the type of the picked region
:param collectionName: name of the entity specified by the region
:param separate: 'True' -> separate combined region into right and left sub-regions
:param kwargs: opbject
:return: either combined_region or combined_region_right and combined_region_left
# select a master region
region = pick_region(verts_index, regionType, collectionName, 'False', **kwargs)
# separate sub-regions into right and left ones
if separate == 'True':
combined_region_right = region[0]
combined_region_left = region[1]
for element in region[2::2]:
combined_region_right += element
for element in region[1::2]:
combined_region_left += element
return combined_region_right, combined_region_left
# split master region into a collection of similar sub-regions
combined_region = region[0]
for element in region:
combined_region += element
return combined_region
[docs]def coupling_constraint(region1, region2, influenceRadius, couplingType,
weightingMethod, name, **kwargs):
Create a coupling constraint between two regions
:param region1: Master region
:type region1: object
:param region2: Slave region
:type region2: object
:param influenceRadius: The influence of the master region will be distributed throughout the subregion in the
slave region defined by this radius
:type influenceRadius: float
:param couplingType: Type of coupling is DISTRIBUTED ot STRUCTURAL
:param weightingMethod: Method of averaging the parameters of the coupling
:type weightingMethod: str
:param name: Name of the coupling region
:type name: str
:param kwargs: model parameters
:type kwargs: dict
:return: Null
:rtype: Null
modelname = kwargs['modelname']
u1=ON, u2=ON, u3=ON,
ur1=ON, ur2=ON, ur3=ON)
[docs]def attach_spring(region, dof, name, springType='Ground', **kwargs):
Defines a spring object that couples two points or a point to the ground
:param region: Name of the region to which spring is attached
:type region: str
:param dof: Number of DOF associated with the spring.
:type dof: int
:param name: name of the spring connection
:type name: str
:param springType: Type of the spring. Either Ground or Pair
:type springType: str
:param kwargs: model parameters
:type kwargs: dict
:return: Null
:rtype: Null
modelname = kwargs['modelname']
if springType == 'Ground':
springStiffness = kwargs['aMTsSpring']
name=name, region=region, orientation=None, dof=dof,
springBehavior=ON, springStiffness=springStiffness,
elif springType == 'Pair':
springStiffness = kwargs['groundSpring']
mdb.models[modelname].rootAssembly. \
engineeringFeatures. \
axis=NODAL_LINE, springBehavior=ON,
raise ValueError('Only Ground spring or Pair spring is available')
[docs]def couple_nearest_aMTs(i, **kwargs):
Create a spring-based coupling of pairs of astral microtubules
:param i: Number of aMT
:type i: int
:param kwargs: model parameters
:type kwargs: dict
:return: Null
:rtype: Null
a = return_assembly(**kwargs)
# Create a reference point attached to each aMT
aMTnames = kwargs['aMTnames']
v = a.instances[aMTnames[i]].vertices
kwargs.update({'verts': v})
RPaMT = create_RP(**kwargs)
r = a.referencePoints
regionRP = a.Set(referencePoints=(r[],),
name='aMTsRP' + str(i))
# Select individual edges on aMTs
edge = a.instances[aMTnames[i]].edges
regionMT = a.Set(edges=edge, name='aMTconnectRegionRight' + str(i))
influenceRadius = WHOLE_SURFACE
couplingType = DISTRIBUTING
weightingMethod = UNIFORM
if i % 2 == 0:
name = 'RightAMTcoupling' + str(i)
name = 'LeftAMTcoupling' + str(i)
coupling_constraint(regionRP, regionMT, influenceRadius,
couplingType, weightingMethod, name, **kwargs)
refPoint = (r[],)
return refPoint, regionRP
[docs]def find_nearest(position, regions):
Find the astral microtubules that have the closest positions
:param position: (x, y, z) position of the aMT growing end
:type position: tuple
:param regions: Regions that contain nearest aMT ends
:type regions: list of objects
:return: Null
:rtype: Null
d = [math.sqrt((position[i - 1][0] - position[i][0]) ** 2 +
(position[i - 1][1] - position[i][1]) ** 2 +
(position[i - 1][2] - position[i][2]) ** 2)
for i in range(1, len(position))]
regionsCombined = [list(a) for a in zip(d, regions)]
regionsCombined.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=False)
region = []
for i in range(len(regionsCombined) - 1):
# Create region of connections
regionsCombined[i + 1][1]))
return region